How To Create Powerful Content For Your E-Commerce Website To Drive Sales

How To Create Powerful Content For Your E-Commerce Website To Drive Sales

Electronic Commerce, better known as “E-commerce”, is one of the best marketing strategies of today. It is the buying and selling of products or services over the internet. Take note that any form of a business transaction conducted electronically is e-commerce.

When it comes to selling online, how can a seller drive sales to its e-commerce website? The answer is by creating compelling and attractive content. Here are some tips on how to create powerful content for your e-commerce website in order to drive sales.

Feature Lots Of Benefits In Your Headline

Your headline can significantly affect your sales – that’s why you need to make it appealing and convincing. You need to grab your visitor’s attention to convince them to stay and read what you are offering. It’s best practice to create a headline which explains what the product does rather than what is it. By doing this, the visitor has a better incentive to continue reading your page.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

This is one of the common errors made by marketers. Search engines such as Google don’t allow those sorts of SEO tactics today. If you want to drive sales, you need to have high search rankings. For that to happen, you need to choose your primary keywords carefully. You also need to position them in the right places such as in the title, start, and end of context – that’s all.

Add Credibility To Your Content

When creating content, it is vital that you build trust, so that visitors can trust you. This way, they will be less hesitant to buy from you. One of the best ways of building trust or credibility is by posting testimonials. It’s important that these are genuine testimonials from true customers. You can also build credibility by adding credentials, background details, and experience. This is another good way of convincing readers that you are legit and trustworthy.

Avoid Duplicate Content

If you want to improve sales, then take the time to write about your products individually. Duplicate or generic text/copy can now be easily tracked by Google which can be detrimental to your business if it results in lower rankings for your e-commerce website. If that happens, it will be much more difficult for you to attract visitors via organic search.

Change The Appearance And Formatting Of Your Content

Let’s face it – only a few will read your content from top to bottom. Many people usually just scan the content and only read the words or phrases that they think are important. So the best practice here is to:

  • Add sub-headlines to emphasize critical messages
  • Use bold or italic fonts when listing the essential benefits of your product or service
  • Vary the length of your paragraphs
  • Use bullet lists to highlight key points
  • Leave the right-hand side ragged

Avoid Grammar, Spelling, Syntax, and Formatting Errors

Having incorrect grammar and spelling in your content will undermine the clarity of your message. It can also create doubt in mind of readers – which can result in potential lost sales. Make sure that your content has a professional look.

Use Ethical Urgency To Convince Readers To Buy Now

When it comes to driving sales, your content must have a sense of urgency towards your readers, encouraging them to buy now. The best place to use this approach is towards the end of your content, which is usually near the call to action. One of the best techniques for inspiring a sense of urgency is by offering a limited time price discount.

Include Images In Your Content

One of the most powerful sales tools for an e-commerce website is the images being used. If you want to boost sales, then try to ensure you have as many high-quality pictures of your product or service as possible. It’s equally as important to test the placement of these images in order to find what has the maximum impact on your online sales. For example, you could test positioning them to the left of your product description versus to the right. You could also test adding images to your cart page as well, in an effort to decrease checkout abandonment. Test as many variations as you like and see what works best for your website.

Driving sales doesn’t have to be that hard, so long as you know the right things to do. The next time you sell a product online, let this post be your guide for creating a powerful content to drive sales, boost your web marketing ROI and improve your eCommerce conversion rate

About The Author:

James Spittal is the founder of Conversion Rate Optimisation and A/B testing obsessed digital marketing agency, Web Marketing ROI. They help brands with high-traffic websites optimize their conversion rate using A/B testing and personalization.


Easy Tips to Improve Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

Easy Tips to Improve Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

In this faced paced world, you must have a website for the survival of your business. Having a website gives you a lot of benefits. A website makes you accessible globally in a matter of a few minutes, as many people are active users of the internet, you get a larger customer base and this is probably the cheapest method to advertise for your company.

People who are remotely interested in your company might need information at any point in time. Investing in a website gives you the liberty to present your business in a proper way, the way you want it. But there are people who come and go viewers. You need to convert these viewers into your long-term customers and this can be possible if you make your website properly aligned and optimized for your business targets.

What can you do?

Optimization of your website is highly related to the eCommerce conversion rate. This is easy to think but is actually difficult to implement without a plan. Optimization is the process in which you make changes to your website which helps you to make it more visible, useful and user-friendly. The basic need is to encourage the users to complete certain actions like purchase, agree to something or to share something on social media. Having a website that has many viewers daily is not a big deal until you can convert them to your customers.

  • Make a goal of the website absolutely clear- The website of your business should not confuse the visitors. The goal that you want to convey to the masses should be logical. Technically speaking, you should provide your visitors with a ‘unique value proposition’ i.e. a simple, short statement that makes the purpose of your business absolutely leaving no doubt. Your unique value proposition should clearly reflect the value that you can add to the lives of the visitors. Once you make the purpose clear it becomes easier for the visitors to get converted into your customers.
  • Know the people visiting your website- None of the businesses of this world can appeal to all the sections and age groups of the society. Knowing the type of people that are going to visit your website is very important. By this, you can only focus on the interest of the visitors that are visiting your website and make it easier for them to select you.
  • Make it simple- The more complex your website becomes the worse it gets to the customers. Even the best website can be left unattended if the average man cannot get what he wants. Imagine a scenario in which someone goes to your website to get some work done, but the process becomes very long or some tabs don’t work. Chances are that he will leave without reaching the end.

It should always be remembered that there are many alternatives over the internet and your potential customer can go to anyone. Make sure that the funnel is simple and all the tabs work. Also, keep the mobile users in mind because there is a large majority of people that use the internet by using their smartphones.

  • Make decisions that are driven only by data- Making changes that are based on some hunches might not prove to be a good decision. The traffic insight is the most powerful advisor that you have, believe in it and make changes accordingly. Just remember that you’ve got your own brain and this is just an advice, do not make any silly decision. But data never lie, so make sure you go through it very thoroughly.
  • Don’t overlook opportunities for SEO- Getting visible online doesn’t happen by chance. You need to get a framework for your website that is SEO friendly. Make sure that your website remains up to date with the search algorithms and the search trend. Investing in SEO is not a one-time deal, you need to invest in it regularly to make yourself visible to your potential customers.
  • Make several marketing strategies- Not all the people that visit the internet have the same experience, so relying only on one strategy might not be very useful. Paid ads have become the most common strategy to advertise over the internet but this alone cannot lure in many people. Working on your social media presence and having email campaigns can also bring in a lot of customers. Do not hesitate in making any attempt to get more and more people by your side in business.
  • Earn the trust of your customers- Face to face conversations go out of pictures as soon as the online thing came. Add an ‘about’ tab on your website. This will have two benefits, one that you can provide all sorts of information about yourself and second that people interested can also contact you offline. Posting testimonials from your previous customers might also help, this gives the experience that people have with you and believe it or not, nothing can beat experience.

Final Verdict

Starting a business is not a very big deal in today’s world. Making your presence felt on the internet is what needs more attention. Working on optimization that increases your customer base is not a waste of time and money because in very less investment you can reap a good profit. The Internet these days is proving out to be the best friend of the people who wish to advertise and want to make a big customer base. Intelligent people are taking full advantage of the power of the internet.

About The Author:

Maggie Sawyer is a Sr. Web Developer at MarkupHQ Ltd., a leading high quality of markup conversion service provider company with a global reach. She is an expert on WordPress customization services and able to convert PSD to WordPress with guaranteed 100% client satisfaction. She enjoys writing useful tutorials especially related to the world of WordPress.