Want to write for TechnicalMindsWeb.Com?

We’re looking for passionate industry professionals to write thought in-depth articles for TechnicalMindsWeb.Com.

We are only interested in the following key subject areas:

Branding, Digital Marketing, SEO, Blogging, Social Media Marketing & Web Design

Here’s what we are looking for…

  • 100% Original Content
  • More than 800 words
  • Lots of relevant images
  • Lots of examples of tools
  • Must add some authority links

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submit articles in Word format (no PDF files, please), as email attachments.
  2. Include relevant links only.
  3. Please use only copyrighted images OR give due credit to others’ images.
  4. We prefer content that is helping small- to medium-sized businesses build better brands online through helpful and relevant blog posts on social media and digital marketing.
  5. We do not accept blatant SEO plays from businesses looking to employ link strategies.
  6. We reserve the right to edit your submission including the headline and subheadings.
  7. We do not pay guest contributors for their articles.
  8. Author Bio – Each article should have a short author bio with social network links.
  9. Backlink – You must add the authority links due to these links are helpful to the readers to understand the context of the content. You can add your one link in the content but this link should not be promotional or commercial.

Send us guest post proposals at webdeveloper141@gmail.com